Review ✎ King of Wrath

King of Wrath is an adult billionaire romance novel written by Ana Huang and published in 2022.

Book Overall

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Mature Content Level


To be entirely honest, this is not my first time reading King of Wrath. I picked it up sometime in 2023 off a display in Barnes & Noble because the back excerpt appealed to me. I love a good enemies-to-lovers story. Unfortunately, it felt familiar when I began reading. Too familiar.

Turns out, this is a novel that I originally downloaded onto my Kindle when I had Kindle Unlimited. I never finished it, but I remembered roughly half of the book. Oops.

I liked it quite a lot. As much as I love the trope, enemies-to-lovers is something that can be hit or miss for me depending on how it gets executed. Huang did an excellent job. I also enjoyed the characterization and development of Dante and Vivian’s relationship.

If you are sensitive to blackmail or violence, I would recommend reading something else. However, I feel it’s fairly tame compared to other novels I’ve read in the past with similar scenarios.

If you have no issue with those themes and want to sink your teeth into a steamy enemies-to-lovers read, then consider checking it out!

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