Recent Posts

  • Review ✎ Dungeons and Drama

    Review ✎ Dungeons and Drama

    Dungeons and Drama is a contemporary YA romance novel written by Kristy Boyce and published in 2024. I read Dungeons and Drama within about eight hours total. I wanted something lighthearted as I entered my summer semester. As I take this journey into reading more YA romance, a very comfy journey indeed, I find myself…

  • Review ✎ Twisted Love

    Review ✎ Twisted Love

    Twisted Love is an adult dark romance novel written by Ana Huang and published in 2022. Obligatory content warning: the novel contains violence and stalking. The page at the front of the book that lists the novel’s warnings gives a very brief overview, but it does not explicitly mention stalking. There is a QR code…

  • Review ✎ King of Wrath

    Review ✎ King of Wrath

    King of Wrath is an adult billionaire romance novel written by Ana Huang and published in 2022. To be entirely honest, this is not my first time reading King of Wrath. I picked it up sometime in 2023 off a display in Barnes & Noble because the back excerpt appealed to me. I love a…

  • Reading Goals: May 2024

    Hello all! This is obviously a different type of post. An experiment, if you will. University has been occupying a considerable amount of my time, and I failed to do much in the two weeks I had off between my spring and summer semesters. However, I believe this is due to a lack of structure…

  • Where have I been? (+2 Recommendations)

    It’s February 26th, a Monday. My last blog post was January 7th, which means it’s been a little less than two months since I last updated you all on any new readings or general things. University studies consume most of my daily life. I have little time to do much else when I finish 12…