Review ✎ Book Lovers

Book Lovers is a romance novel written by Emily Henry and published in 2022.

After reading some online recommendations, I ordered Book Lovers from Barnes & Noble, completely hooked on the concept laid out in the summary.

This unexpected small-town romance blooms between two rivals in the publishing industry, leading to all sorts of feelings between Nora and Charlie. I don’t view them as true rivals, though.

To be entirely honest, reading this book reignited my passion for the industry, and it’s why I’m going back to school and training to become a freelance proofreader.

Book Overall

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Rating: 5 out of 5.


Rating: 5 out of 5.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

Mature Content Level

With working, it took me three days to finish Book Lovers. I struggle with not picking it up and rereading it with how long my TBR List is, but so far I have succeeded.

Just to get it out of the way, the ending made me so happy. I love a good ending where no one has to change or adapt in order to have it. That’s all I’ll say about it.

This is the type of book that I wish I could read for the first time again. And again. I loved the way I felt while reading it, I loved the characters, and I loved all of the pieces that made Book Lovers whole.

Actually, I’m going to amend my statement. There was a section early on, and it had to do with a dream Nora had regarding a loss. The passage was creepily accurate, and it felt like someone had stolen my own experience and printed it out on the page in front of me. It was well-written. So well-written, in fact, it led me to have to take a break while I regained control on my emotions.

Back to positivity! I loved the communication between Nora and Charlie. I love healthy communication! Yes, there are some parts that are not quite as healthy, but those situations were not unreasonable. I also loved their intimacy. I still get excited for them when I re-read their little moments of hesitancy.

Emily Henry’s voice as an author is one of my favorites. Her writing style and the way she creates her characters brings a warmth to the book that I never expected to feel.

If I could, I would read about Nora and Charlie’s life together. The entire life. Everything. I am that invested in their relationship. I want to experience their story from the beginning, and I want to know everything that happened after their ending.

♕ This book earned its crown and placement as one of my favorite reads.

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